Superstructure all gone
Dave and his lady friend did an incredible job cleaning up the site and stock piling and covering all the recovered framing lumber. Chris and Dana Lowe are building a stone tree well around a very nice dogwood which is adjacent to the new septic field. Without the well the tree would be smothered by the overfill required by the new septic.
The structure covered by the blue tarp is the old basement bedroom, boiler room, and bathroom which will be the new pool house, assuming we get through the Conservation Commission permitting for the pool. Jeff Struble of Struble Engineering was at the site today to evaluate the existing walls for a new concrete roof for the pool house. Akerley Blasting was by the site last week and mapped out blasting depths for the new basement. Bumped into their survey team on Saturday making the rounds of the neighbors. Big machines are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll have a building permit this week!